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Issues / Commentary
- New! Exposing
Crisis Pregnancy Centres in BC
- Anti-abortion "counselling" agencies rely on
deception, misinformation, and emotional
manipulation to persuade women against abortion.
Executive Summary
- New! Convicted
anti-abortion protesters challenge access zone
(and lose)
- New! Why anti-choice
activity should not be supported by
- Speech given at the University of Victoria,
February 8, 2005.
- Abortion: What's
the Provincial Reality?
- by Beth Lyons - A brief lesson in the history,
reasoning, and unconstitutionality of abortion
access in New Brunswick.
- Yours Is a
"War" We Cannot Support
- An open rebuttal by Joyce Arthur to William
Saletan, to his Jan 22-06 New York Times
article: Three Decades After Roe, a War We Can
All Support.
- Death in Perspective
- The annual death rate from maternal mortality
is three times greater than the December 2004
Asian tsunami
- The
Fetus Focus Fallacy
- Assigning moral value or personhood status to
fetuses violates women's dignity and rights. It
also hurts fetuses and children.
- Abortion in Canada:
History, Law, and Access
- Thorough Treatment of Canadian Issues
(Hindi version: कनाडा में
गर्भपात – इतिहास, कानून, और पहुंच )
- Legal Abortion: the
Sign of a Civilized Society
- A Look at Abortion Laws and Practices Around
the World
- Where
Is the Anti-Choice Movement Headed?
- A detailed analysis of the successes and
failures of the anti-choice movement in North
America, with a focus on the history and role of
extremism. Examines violence statistics and
legal and law enforcement trends, compares the
abortion battle to other violent movements,
critiques anti-choice successes and the
movement's shortcomings. How long will the
movement survive as a credible political and
moral force?
- What Pro-Choice
Really Means
- Pro-Choice for Dummies, or, What Really Goes
On at Abortion Clinics
- Personhood: Is a
Fetus a Human Being?
- An examination of the cornerstone position of
the anti-choice movement, from biological,
legal, social, and philosophical perspectives.
- Religion
and Abortion
- A series of articles examining the role of
religion in abortion, including: Religious Basis
of the Anti-Choice Movement • Religious Views of
the Fetus • Protecting Abortion Rights in the
Courtroom Using Our Constitutional Freedom of
Religion • Religion and Patriarchy • Woman's
Place in the Christian Bedroom • Woman's Place
in the Bible • Eve's Ascent to Grace (pro-choice
religious doctrines).
- Anti-Choicers Don't Have
a Biblical Leg to Stand On
- Yes! - The Bible is Pro-Choice. A systematic
analysis of every passage in the Bible that
deals with abortion, miscarriage, and the value
of fetuses and infants.
- How to
Interpret Polls on Abortion
- How strong is pro-choice support in Canada,
really? The ambivalence that shows up in polls
probably reflects anti-choice misconceptions
about abortion.
- Gifts From a Life Let Go
- A Personal Story of One Woman's Abortion
- Mergers Mean Less
Access to Abortion Services
- When Catholic hospitals merge with public
ones, the result often means no more
reproductive health services for women, even if
it's the only hospital around.
- "The Only Moral
Abortion is My Abortion" - When the
Anti-Choice Choose
- Mortal Sins of the
- The Vatican War Against Abortion and
Population Control
- Hypocrisy and the
Hippocratic Oath
- Making Fun of the Anti-Choice Desire to Return
to the Oath
- A Word of Advice
to Anti-Choicers
- If you want a chance of winning your "war"
against abortion, at least "know your enemy!"
Law And Politics
- The Legal Status of
Abortion in Canada: 1892 to 1988
- The way things used to be - when Canadian
women were forced to "labour under a
misconception." (by Ann Thomson)
- Canada: The
Civilized Outlaw (Powerpoint
- Canada has no legal restrictions or law
against abortion. In fact, any such law is
unnecessary, harmful, and insulting to women and
healthcare professionals.
- A
Discouraging Victory
- More anti-choice MPs were elected than before
in Canada's recent federal election.
- Free Votes and the
Future of Abortion Politics
- Expect a bolder Conservative Party to further
its anti-choice agenda by introducing more
private members' bills trying to restrict
abortion. Leader Stephen Harper must moderate
his party.
- Abortion
in the Election: A Chronology
- A day-by-day recounting of all
abortion-related events during the election
- The
Political Is Too Personal
- Why abortion is an election issue, and why it
shouldn't be.
- Why Anti-Abortion
Groups Should Not Have Charitable Tax Status
- Incredibly, 170 anti-choice groups in Canada
have charitable tax status. Not one of them
deserves it.
- Why Abortion Won't
Be Defunded in Canada
- Anti-choice arguments that say abortion should
not be funded by taxpayers are ill-founded.
- Can
Abortion Be-Defunded in Canada?
- The short answer is probably not, but it's
complicated! Learn more about the Canada Health
Act and abortion, what "medically necessary"
means, why abortion is medically necessary, why
clinics are better than hospitals for delivering
abortion services, and what's happening in
provinces across Canada (some provinces
illegally refuse to fund clinic abortions).
- Different
Foundations, Diverging Futures
- The abortion climate: comparisons between
Canada and the U.S.A
- Anti-Choicers
Fear New Anti-Terrorism Law
- The Canadian anti-choice movement is
justifiably afraid that Canada's new
Anti-Terrorism Act will target them, but not
without cause.
- Canada Health Act
Violates Abortion Services
- Abortion Services Meet None of its Five
Debunking Anti-Choice Claims
Policy / Miscellaneous
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