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Abortion Clinics:
- Morgentaler Clinics Web
Page - information on Morgentaler clinics across the
- Everywoman's
Health Centre - Vancouver, BC
- Cabbagetown
Women's Clinic - Toronto, ON
- Willow Women's
Clinic - Vancouver, BC
- Elizabeth
Bagshaw Women's Clinic - Vancouver, BC
C.A.R.E. Program, BC Women's Hospital - Vancouver, BC
- Vancouver
Island's Women's Clinic - Victoria, BC
- Choice in Health
Clinic - Toronto, ON
- Mississauga Woman's
Clinic - Mississauga, ON
- Kensington Clinic
- Calgary, AB
- Woman's Health
Options Clinic - Edmonton, AB
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Articles About Abortion (off-site)
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- 10
False and Exaggerated Claims about the Risk of Abortion
(Pro-Choice Views) - an excellent debunking of anti-choice
propaganda alleging medical risks of abortion, backed up with
scientific references.
- Abortion:
a Research Paper (Kou-Wei Chiu) - a wide-ranging
pro-choice essay that looks at philosophical, psychological, and
socio-economic implications of abortion.
- Abortion:
Why the Religious Right is Wrong (Steven Morris) - the
religious and historical background of the opposition to
- Against
the Sanctity of Life (Peter Suber) - an essay contrasting
the "sanctity of life" and "quality of life" positions which
proves that "sanctity of life" is impossible to hold.
- Biology,
History, and Politics of Abortion (Atlanta Pro-Choice
Action Committee) - comprehensive collection of reasons to be
- Breaking
the Abortion Deadlock, from Choice to Consent - NOW
interview with Eileen McDonagh, author noted for her argument
that fetal use of a woman's body is an intrusion that requires
her willing consent, and that an unwanted fetus causes harm to
- Christ
Kills Two, Injures Seven in Abortion Clinic Attack (Satire
from the Onion)
- Confessions
of an Abortionist (Martin Avery - nom de plume) - a
lengthy personal story from a doctor who provided illegal
- Contraceptive
Use in Canada - 1984 to 1995 (Kelly Martin and Zheng Wu) -
a scientific study.
- A
Global Review of Laws on Induced Abortion, 1985-1997
(Anika Rahman, Laura Katzive and Stanley K. Henshaw)
- Abortion:
A Christian Ethical Perspective (John M. Swomley) - a
theological argument for a pro-choice view on abortion.
- Legalized
Abortion and Crime (John J. Donohue III and Steven D.
Levit) - a study showing that the legalization of abortion in
1973 may account for up to half of the drop in violent crime in
the 1990's. (This is an abstract, but you can download the full
article as a PDF file, which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
- Margaret
Sanger Fact Sheet (Planned Parenthood) - a refutation of
anti-choice smears on the reputation of this pioneering birth
control advocate.
- Paper-Clothed
Strangers (Jennifer New) - an intimate look at women
having abortions from a pro-choice perspective.
- The Global Gag Rule
- Endangering Women's Health and Democracy (Center for
Reproductive Law and Policy) - press releases, statements, and
fact sheets about Bush's actions to restrict family planning in
the developing world.
- "Partial Birth
Abortion" Bans - Unconstitutional, Deceptive, Extreme (Center
for Reproductive Law & Policy) - includes court documents
regarding the abortion ban case heard by the U.S. Supreme Court
on April 23, 2000.
- The
Politics of Fetal/Maternal Conflict (Ruth Hubbard) - how
changing views of the fetus and women's procreative abilities
are being used to limit women's rights
- Preventing
Unfair Prosecution of Abortion Providers - An Investigation
into Political Bias by the Medical Board of California
(Phyllida Burlingame, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern
California) - an exposé of anti-abortion politics behind Dr.
Bruce Steir's prosecution and conviction for 2nd degree murder
in the death of his abortion patient.
- Respecting
the Moral Agency of Women - the Importance of Choice
(Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, Ph.D.) - a theologian defends the
free will of women to choose abortion, as an integral part of
their God-given human nature.
- Why Abortion is
Biblical (Brian Elroy McKinley) - how anti-abortion
activists misrepresent the Biblical record.
- Why
Abortion is Moral (Brian Elroy McKinley) - essay examining
the nature of the fetus and morality of abortion.
- Women's
Stories of Abortion and Reflections on Roe v. Wade
(Planned Parenthood)
- Words of Choice
- Countering Anti-Choice Rhetoric (Religious Coalition for
Reproductive Choice) - a thorough critique of misleading
anti-choice language.
Protecting Abortion Services
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