What is the Pro-Choice Action Network?
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The Pro-Choice Action Network was formed in 1987 to secure safe,
fully funded, high quality abortion services for women. (Formerly
known as the BC Coalition for Abortion Clinics, our group changed
its name in 1998.) Pro-CAN is the longest-established and largest
pro-choice organization in BC. We have close working ties with the
Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, (ARCC-CDAC),
Canada's national pro-choice group.
Back in 1987, the labour movement, women's health groups, the United
Church, student groups, health care professionals, and many other
groups and individuals supported our initiative in opening Everywoman's
Health Centre in November, 1988. At the time, it was illegal for
free-standing clinics to offer abortion services.
Since our successful establishment of Everywoman's Health Centre,
we have broadened our mandate. We lobby and advocate for:
- full government funding of all health services relating to reproductive
health in community-based clinics and hospitals, including surgical
and medical abortion services
- the defeat of any law that criminalizes abortion or impedes
a woman's individual right to choice and access to abortion services
- protection and enforcement of the Access to Abortion Services
Act, and women's safe access to abortion services in an atmosphere
of dignity and respect
- the principles of the Canada Health Act as at May 1998
- provision for universal access to abortion in all regions of
Canada (especially BC) and federal guarantee of their access
- availability of safe, affordable, and effective contraception,
and comprehensive sex education in schools
The Pro-Choice Action Network seeks to accomplish its goals by
continuing to build a broad-based political movement that undertakes
political action and public education on the right to choice on
abortion, and by establishing mutually productive relationships
with clinics, hospitals, physicians, health care workers, women's
groups, pro-choice groups, and other groups with whom we can work
to further the right to choose.
What Can YOU Do?
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Join in public events - marches, rallies, conferences organized
by the your local clinic or pro-choice group.
- Write articles and letters supporting the pro-choice position,
and refuting anti-choice propaganda.
- Invite a pro-choice speaker to your
group and make information available to your friends and co-workers.
- Wear a pro-choice button or T-shirt and give them to your friends.
- Write to your government representatives to express your outrage
at the activities of the anti-choice, and to support pro-choice
- Join your local pro-choice group, donate money, or volunteer
your time.
- Be aware of your rights, and the abortion services available
to you. Abortion is legal, safe, and may be the best choice for
Contact Us
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Pro-Choice Action Network
Vancouver, BC, Canada
E-mail: info@prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org
(Sorry, we no longer have a phone, fax, or mailing address)